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Finding Peace Within

Lessons on Healing Yourself and Creating a More Compassionate World

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Lesson 5: Understand the Energy of Emotions

Day 29: Emotions carry vibrations.

The 52 lessons in The Course in Healing are built in four sections. This will become apparent as you progress. Lessons 1-13 are all about infusion. When you’re broken down, or out of gas, the first thing you need is an infusion; a new set of tools, a new way of looking at life before you begin the real work of rebuilding.

While writing this course, I assumed this lesson would fall somewhere in the middle. It’s so important, possibly the most important lesson of the entire course. It seemed you would need a much stronger grasp of new thoughts, a clearer mind to understand a concept of such monumental importance. But here it is. To rebuild your body, mind, emotions and spirit you must understand how the energy of emotions impacts healing.

In Lesson 2, you learned that everything is energy, including emotions. The way you feel carries a resonant frequency that emanates from you and through you. This frequency can be felt by sensitive receivers, by the earth and by most nonhuman animals. Joy can fill a room with lightness, lifting up the energies of all who encounter it. Anger, fear, and blame can intoxicate you and everyone with whom you are connected, weighing down your body and disheartening your spirit. Lower energies accumulate and attract other lower energies, just as higher energies accumulate and attract other higher energies.

Is there any proof of this? Like most matters of the unseen, science is slowly catching up. In 2016, researchers at MIT developed EQ-Radio, a device that can detect a person's emotions using wireless signals by measuring subtle changes in breathing and heart rhythms. A similar technique of measuring heart rate variability was developed and has been researched for more than 25 years by the HeartMath Institute. In the early 1990’s, scientists at the National Institutes of Health chose the term “biofield”’ to describe a complex organizing energy field within and around living systems.

Lesson 5 will break down the vibrational signature of emotions to help you understand how dysfunctional thoughts and dysfunctional bodies lead to the emotions of dis-ease.

Today, your task is to identify your predominate way of feeling. A feeling is your mind’s awareness of emotion. We also use the term to describe our physical state. How do you feel when you first wake up? While you’re at school or work? When you’re alone? When you’re in an uncomfortable situation? If you automatically answer with a physical description (tired, sore, energized), convert that thought into an emotion. Explore your answers in your journal.

Affirmation: Even though my emotions may seem to spiral out of control at times, I love and respect myself. The habits of my thoughts determine how I feel, physically and emotionally. By becoming aware of these destructive habits, I will reprogram my thoughts to create the emotions of healing.


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