Your Dis-Ease is Your Teacher

Asking the questions, and digging deep for the answers, is crucial to discover how to heal and remain in a state of wholeness.
Many medical doctors neglect this process for fear a patient will think they are to blame for their illness. This is not a process of blame. Taking responsibility for the actions and reactions of your life is not about fear, blame or separation. In fact, it’s part of the process of forgiveness and connection.
Think in terms of a life-long smoker who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Should they feel shame? Why did they smoke? Did it ease the hunger during the years of extreme poverty? Did they smoke because it reminded them of their father with whom they had a strained relationship? Did they begin smoking during the years when the tobacco industry convinced the medical industry that smoking was scientifically proven to be good for people?
The exercise of learning from your dis-ease is to give you a new way of thinking and processing the information you receive. Be neutral in your observations. Your diagnosis is the full length mirror standing in your path. Study it. Learn from it. Be willing to look at your life from the point of view of a witness, not a victim.
Affirmation: As I sit in silence, I ask my body, mind and spirit what I need to learn about myself from this experience of dis-ease.